The kick-off meeting of the project was held online on 28 February 2021. Representatives from Gazi University from Turkey, ZİÇEV from Turkey, Hacettepe University from Turkey, Stichting Christeluke Hogeschool Windesheim from Netherlands, ITA-Suomen Yliopisto from Finland and PIKOMTEK from Turkey attended the meeting.
* Opening speech
* Presentations of partner organizations
* Presentation on the general framework and methodology of the project
* Presentation on administrative and financial issues
* Review of the work plan and the roles of partners in project activities
* Providing consensus on the the dates of transnational meetings and short-term joint staff trainings
* Providing information to partners through question-and-answer session
Necdet Karasu, Gazi University
Arif Yılmaz, Hacettepe University
Sui Lin Goei, Hogeschool Windesheim
Eija Kärnä, ITA-Suomen Yliopisto
Asuman Erdem, ZİÇEV